Reducing Carbon Footprints
With Electric Cars

by Ron

Electric Powered Car

Electric Powered Car

Reducing carbon footprints with electric cars are becoming viable choices for consumers. We have to admit that a higher and higher majority of the public are more concerned about the environment then they have ever been. The reports and warnings about climate change and global warming are making people stop and think about becoming more involved in trying to control these events.

Transportation and the means in which people choose to get around is a huge commonality among the majority people. Why not consider the option of buying an electric car?

Here's a few good reasons why we should.

Gas-powered cars burn fuel which produces carbon dioxide which just ends up in our atmosphere. Greenhouse gas is now produced which is what aids in global warming and subsequent climate changes.

Electric vehicles don't produce harmful emissions to the environment.

We are not in the age of the "Jetsons." Electric vehicles now are not the space-age futuristic cars that were portrayed in this way in the cartoons. Actually though, the idea of vehicles powered by electricity isn't a new concept either and something only for far far into the future. The idea of getting around through electric power has been around forever.

Since cars were even first invented, there has always been experimentation on how to make electric cars. Reducing CO2 emissions with electric powered vehicles wasn't a consideration then however, but we have progressed in that area since then.

Way back when, batteries weren't as sophisticated as they are now.

Batteries didn't last for long periods of time, and recharging, because of cost, was just way too much. Besides, recharging took forever to do, and they didn't hold the charge anyway to travel any great distance. It was much less expensive, less time-consuming and just plain easier to go with a vehicle that operated on the internal combustion engine and use gas.

Today, things have progressed of course in the technology around battery cells. This advancement means that recharging a battery takes alot less time, it's cheaper, the vehicle can travel at a normal speed and go much further on a battery that holds a charge significantly longer. More people everyday are rather impressed and so the electric cars have gained in popularity. There isn't a day that goes by, I don't see a few more on the road.

We're becoming poorer and poorer at the gas-pumps.

It's a scary thought to fill up these days. Not many people do fill up their gas tanks all at once anymore. I don't. It's just so much money it seems to spend all at once, even though inevitably we do spend it.

Because of financial crisis' that many countries are experiencing, we the public get hit almost immediately at our local gas stations. I never know from one day to the next what the cost will be to get gas.

Getting rid of our gas powered vehicles and opting for something more affordable seems much more doable in the long run. Reducing carbon footprints with electric cars at the same time and helping our environment seems like a pretty good idea too.

Governments offer tax breaks in some form or another to people who decide to go electric. The hope of course is to reduce our need for petroleum products from foreign sources.

If you are the owner of an electric vehicle, you get other benefits in some places. You can get free parking or be exempt from the conditions of carpool lanes. These things save money and make life much more convenenient for todays travellers.

I'm all for saving money. This is the biggest concern to most people first. I'm all for improving the conditions of the planet I live on. If reducing carbon footprints with electric cars can do both, I'm all for that too.

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