Carbon-Trust-UK Established 2001Created by Government, the Carbon-Trust-UK strives for a low-carbon-economy which is in the focus of their mission.
Helping businesses and organizations to reduce CO2 emissions, has saved an extraordinary amount of money daily through improved carbon energy efficiency.
I'm sure some have been missed here, they do so much to cover so many areas, and are involved in projects worldwide, not just in Britain.
The products are able to carry the Carbon Footprint Label on their products, but must be committed to reducing their footprint every two years.
This is available through another subsidiary company.
For measuring and reducing emissions year after year, The Carbon Standard is awarded by the Carbon-Trust as well.
This not only makes a statement to employees, but it says something to customers, investors and the public as a whole. It portrays a positive appearance.
A positive appearance is not only a moral issue, but positive business practices and committment attracts new business, business ventures and partnerships.
The Carbon-Trust works hard to make this happen for everyone.
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