Recycle A Shoe Box
Into A Pretend Stove

by Zety

Recycle a shoe box into a pretend stove.

This stove was specially designed for my little Princess, just by wrapping my shoe box with beautiful wrapping paper. Paste two CD's on top of the cover.

Paste on two bottle covers or fix it with some wire, and therefore your girl can turn them to the right and to the left, just like the real stove!

It also could be used as a storage box for their "kitchen stuff!"

Janes' Comment: Thank you Zety for submitting this great idea. I especially like the idea of the CD's attached on the top to look like the stove elements.

Other ideas I've seen include using black construction paper cut into circles, or drawing on swirly black and orange colored circular lines as well with markers or paint for the stove elements. The CD's I think would look very cool and realistic.

Good idea for the top to come off to store all kinds of play-dishes and other kitchen items.

To recycle a shoe box into a pretend stove with just a few recyclable supplies would be very easy and quick to do.

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